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HBLA Klosterneuburg school information day
Written by KS Kneissl & Senn Technologie GmbH Written on .
SINTECA at the school information days at HBLA Klosterneuburg
On November 22 and 23, 2024, we were on site at the Wine and Fruit Growing School in Klosterneuburg in the cellar management department and were able to present our product range. Here we talked shop with young and experienced winemakers and were able to clarify personal concerns and solve customer-specific problems in many technical discussions.
“I need a high-quality, transparent wine hose”, ‘Which hose can you recommend for steam?’, ‘I'm looking for a translation for my tank from milk to wine’ - these were just some of the questions we were able to clarify as part of our expert advice. We were also able to convince many a professional of the benefits of Chesterton sealing tapes. Our latest product category - the layer filters and filter cartridges from Hobra - were much talked about products that attracted a lot of interest due to their high quality and fair price.
We met many of our customers who already know our location in Klosterneuburg, and those who came from further afield were delighted to hear about our webshop.
We would like to thank the viticulture school for the invitation and are delighted to be able to support future winegrowers with our products and expert advice!