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Regular employee testing
Written by KS Kneissl & Senn Technologie GmbH Written on .
To protect our employees; to maintain operations; to relieve the state.
In order to protect the health of our employees and colleagues in the best possible way and thus also to ensure that ongoing operations are not disrupted, we test ourselves regularly.

At the start of operations in 2021, on January 4th, the entire workforce of the company at the Erl site was tested. The tests took place directly on site in collaboration with Dr. Christian Hengl, as one of the pioneers in the corona test area in Tyrol. Rapid antigen tests were carried out, the results of which are available within 15 minutes. In this way, all employees at the site could be tested on the first test date.
The second test of the collective will take place on January 12th at the location of the family business in Erl. The tests are repeated regularly depending on the infection situation in the region.
By recognizing the infection at an early stage, even before the first symptoms appear, the aim is to successfully prevent the infection of other employees and the spread of the virus in the company.
According to the company motto: "Viribus unitis - with united forces", the regular testing of the workforce is just one of the initiatives that our company has implemented consistently and quickly in the course of the corona pandemic.
Since mid-March 2020 we have also been producing washable protective equipment made of synthetic fibers and cotton Made in Austria. In addition to protective gowns and coats, this also includes protective masks and overcoats. Thanks to the immediate conversion of our production, we have managed to navigate through the crisis to this day without short-time work.
- Protection system for our employees
- Ensuring the maintenance of operations and production
- Relief of the state